Your Money Strategy - Projectors

Using Human Design to develop key personal money & wealth strategies.

Projectors, If you ever looked at your Human Design and learn anything about your energy, then you will know that you don't have access to sustained energy. This means you find that you work well in bursts of energy instead of long sustained periods of time. Often Projectors feel like they should be doing a lot more; working longer hours, having more hobbies, or spending more time with certain people. However, this isn’t necessary for you, dear Projector.

This is your permission slip to slow down

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You do not have to keep up with others or compare yourself and your work to those around you. Preserve your energy for the things that really excite you or that you are passionate about.

Now that we got that out of the way… Let’s chat about that strategy, hey?

The overarching money strategy

Projector’s Human Design Strategy is to wait for the invitation.

So what does that actually mean?

There are so many incredible ways you are able to guide and advise others Human Design types on how to do things better and more efficiently. It is your unique gift after all! However, before giving advice or directly influencing another person [which, I know you’re dying to do most times of the day], you are better off waiting to be invited first.

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‘Waiting’ doesn’t mean you do nothing and just wait for things to happen [I mean, you can but it will take much longer for the right people and opportunities to find you]. Instead, spend time taking action for yourself. Learn more about the things that interest you and develop systems that keep you glued to your laptop screen with excitement. Do things that don’t FEEL like work and don’t FEEL like an energy drain.

Keep working on these things and improving your abilities so that when you are invited, you can really serve and make an incredible impact.

Your Money Strategy!

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So, here are your unique money, wealth, and business strategy tips.

Passive Income and Investments

  • Think of wealth creation as a journey to finding what you are truly passionate about and what excites you. If you are looking to make more money through a side hustle, casually selling online, or even some extra weekend work, think about the things that keep you awake late at night doing, or things that keep you stuck to the screen researching. Those are the things you then want to be then selling, creating or educating others on.

  • thinking about investing? maybe there is an investment or a company you wholeheartedly believe in and envision massive growth for. Do a bit of research and look at how you can become a supporting shareholder.

  • Ask yourself, what are you naturally good at? Use these to create a small stream of passive income. Focus on a side hustle you love, investment styles you are interested in & learn more about them.

You simply do not have the energy to first try everything on that list and see which ones work. Instead, pick one, give it your all and see what happens before trying something else. Where you can, get support from professionals, coaches, or strategists that can help you sustain the growth.

Money Strategy

And finally, here are some strategies to make the most of your personal money and accountsa

  • Preserving energy is important for you when it comes to looking at your money. Utilise direct debits between your personal accounts and business accounts as much as possible.

  • Use your bursts of energy to set up your money strategy in one go so that it starts to work like a machine, only requiring your minor supervision.

  • Completely separate your business from personal banking and use accounting software to make the process smoother.

  • It's ok to keep your savings and spending accounts together if seeing your savings grow motivates you to spend less!

Remember, how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you spend the time focusing on preserving your energy, waiting for the invitation, and creating passive efficient income strategies within your bank account and business, everything else in your life will follow through and fall into place. If you don’t, most likely, then you aren’t doing those things in other areas of your life either, like your relationships and self-care.

Don’t miss the free training

Want to know more about how to Attract more wealth and create financial flow as a business owner with ease?

Check out the Free Training ‘Stop Wasting and Start Attracting' $$$’

I will show you how to create aligned money goals and craft a money plan based on your unique Human Design, so that you can start improving your relationship with money and finally start to feel empowered and in control of creating and growing your wealth!

Click the image for instant access.


Your Money Energy Coach & Strategist

I studied and worked in the Financial Planning industry for over 7 years, developing strategies to help high-net-worth clients grow their wealth and retire millionaires.


I soon realised that money didn’t’ always follow the strict rules that we’ve all been taught as childhood. I’ve experienced this myself in my own world of money, growing my income and saving every dollar I could get my hands on, only to find out I was overwhelmed with guilt or shame to spend any of it. Why did I feel this way? Why does anyone?

So I began diving deeper into the world of money energy, mindset, and Human Design. It didn’t take me long to realise I had my own baggage full of limiting beliefs and money stories that were holding me back from increasing my income and growing my bank account.

This led me to the journey of learning more about myself and my strategy as a Human Design Projector, developing coaching around unique Money Blueprints, and start helping women dive deep into their own Energy and strategy with money, to build long-lasting financial freedom.

Now, I spend my days helping teach driven and independent solopreneur women how to save, keep and create more wealth without giving up the life they love.


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